Kubernetes challenges are stopped

I am sad to announce that the Kubernetes challenges are stopped ๐Ÿ˜ž. This is due to the fact that the infrastructure costs were too high and my free time to work on this project too scarce.
I am grateful for all the feedback and support I received from the community ๐Ÿ’š

New challenges & Solutions

3 news challenges were added since the last update:
  • Standardise Kubernetes labels (very easy)
  • Hiding metrics - 1 (easy)
  • Payroll Panic: A Recovery Mission - 1 (medium)
...and a new feature: Solutions! You can now write and see solutions once you completed a challenge. This is a great way to see how others might have solved the challenge differently.

As a closing note, FixTheOps is looking for sponsors to help cover the costs of running the platform. If you're interested, please reach out to this email address.

Alpha release! ๐Ÿš€

I am incredibly excited to announce the alpha release of FixTheOps! After months of hard work, testing, refining, and a long summer break, I'm finally ready to open up the platform!

Whatโ€™s new?

Open Access for All Users ๐ŸŒ

No more waiting list! Starting today, anyone can log in to FixTheOps using just a GitHub account and tackle the challenges.

10 Challenges already ๐Ÿ”ฅ

From begineer to intermediate level, I hope the first ones can already provide some fun and learnings.

Leaderboard to compete against others ๐Ÿ†

Climb the ladder, show off your points & connect to fellow โ€œOps/DevOps/Cloud/Whateverโ€ Engineers on the Discord.

Looking forward to your feedback!